Rainbow Class

We offer both 30 hour and 15-hour sessions: 

15-hour sessions are either morning or afternoon sessions 


Monday–Friday 9:00am — 12:00pm


Monday-Friday 12:45pm — 3:45pm

30-hour Sessions 

Monday–Thursday 9.00am- 3.45pm and Friday 9.00am- 12.00pm 

Our Rainbow class delivers exciting and enriching experiences every day, designed to build on each child's existing knowledge and interests whilst encouraging them to try new things.  We make extensive use of our gardens in all weathers to encourage outdoor learning and explorative physical play.   Small group activities, small world play and sharing of games teaches vital teamwork and turn taking skills.  Creativity is encouraged and nurtured in our workshop and crafting areas and imaginations come to life through role-play and storytelling.  A typical day is full of fresh air, singing, story sharing, crafting, messy play and friendship building.

Qualified teachers work across New Bridge to plan a rich, broad and exciting curriculum in partnership with skilled, experienced Early Years Practitioners.  Learning is delivered through a balanced daily mixture of child-led self selected activities, adult-led small group times and whole class short learning sessions.  Weekly themes inspire and delight children, with a range of experiences to develop their foundations for learning, life skills and their understanding of the world around them.