Meal Times
We see meal times as a social occasion for the children to sit together and talk in small groups. We have a dining area where the older children eat and we encourage children to eat with cutlery that is appropriate to their age and stage of development. Independence and choices are also important parts of our daily mealtimes, with children serving part of their own lunch. We have a three-week menu cycle and we provide a vegetarian alternative for every meal. Our menus and meals are carefully developed to ensure that children receive a balanced and nutritious diet. We ask parents to make staff aware of any very specific dietary needs (e.g. food allergies) relating to their child in order that we can plan a suitable menu (a doctor’s letter will be required). We also ask that you let us know if you have any wishes/requests (e.g. vegetarian, cultural or religious) concerning the food your child is given so that we can accommodate these where possible
We provide hot lunches and cold teas during a whole day session at nursery and offer a diverse range of foods from different cultures. In the youngest rooms we work closely with parents to get to know their children's meal time routines and follow their lead. We can support baby led weaning; puree'd meals and will offer guidance and support to parents who are unsure of what it next for their children's health development.
In the Inventors room we offer the opportunity for children to have packed lunches from home; all parents are supported to make healthy choices for their children. Children are supported to develop their independence throughout each and every meal.