What to do if you are worried about a child
The Designated Safeguarding Lead and Designated Deputies for Safeguarding and Preventing Radicalisation are;
Joanne Budge DSL | Saliha Akram DSD |
Jean Read DSD |
Stacia Beeney DSD |
Governor with responsibility for Safeguarding: Rebecca Dunn
Sarah Rae and Sue Darby LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer)
0118 937 2684
- Talk privately to a Designated Safeguarding Lead or Deputy as soon as possible
- DO NOT discuss the incident with other members of staff or families
- If you have seen or heard something that concerns you, or a child or adult has said something that concerns you, do not ask questions but record in writing the event or exactly what they have said (in their own words)
- Do not make judgements about the situation
- Parents or staff with a concern can discuss with a Designated Safeguarding Lead or Deputy or call the Children’s Single Point of Access on 01189 373641, or in an emergency, call 999
- As a duty of care, always ensure that action has been taken to follow up any incident of concern
- There is always a Designated Safeguarding Lead or Deputy available on call. However, if in exceptional circumstances a Designated Lead or Deputy from New Bridge Nursery School cannot be contacted, please telephone: Charlotte Jennings, Designated Safeguarding Lead at Blagdon Nursery School tel: 0118 937 5425
At New Bridge Nursery School we use a system called CPOMS to record any concerns. You can find out more about this here.
Our full Safeguarding policy can be found here